Tag Archives: Rooster Crow 2009

Rooster Crow 2009 Video

My brother shot this video of the 2009 National Rooster Crow championship held in Rogue River, Oregon, June 27, 2009. As mentioned yesterday, Fluffy, a silkie rooster, won the contest with 42 crows.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Part Six:

Rooster Crow 2009 Pictures

Fluffy, a silkie rooster, won the 56th annual Rogue River Rooster Crow in Rogue River, Oregon, today. He crowed 42 times, far from the record 112 times.

Lil’ Dude came in second, and Alvin was third.

Fluffy, the winner of the Rooster Crow, poses with his owner.

Closeup of Fluffy.

Lil’ Dude finished second in the competition.

This is Alvin.

Rooster Crow Parade 2009 and Other Pictures

Earlier in the day, my brother and I went to the parade. We missed the first part of it, but I did manage to take quite a few pictures. Here are some of the pictures I took (including a few near the area of the rooster crow contest):